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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Apple ‘iTV’ Prototypes At TV Makers’ Labs

We have a new rumor about the fruit’s company new product iTV; it seems they decided to enter the TV market. The Globe and Mail reported that Apple will be partner with Roger and Bell the two major Canadian carriers to launch the iTV.
They’re not closed to doing it with one [company] or doing it with two, said one source that is familiar with the talks. They’re looking for a partner. They’re looking for someone with wireless and broadband capabilities.
According to the newspaper, these companies already have the Apple iTV in their labs.

While the iTV product remains cloaked in secrecy, sources say Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple has approached Rogers and Bell as it actively pursues partnerships with Canadian carriers.  Another source, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Rogers and Bell already have the product in their labs.
The rumor says the TV set will have Siri to help viewers make programming choices and control the TV with voice and hand gestures, it will also allow the viewers to surf the web and use Facebook and Twitter, conduct video chats, it also might include an on-screen keyboard, all with physical interface.
The specifications for the television are rumored to be complete by the end of this month, and full production begins sometime mid-2012.
So, what do you think about it? Are you excited to have an iTV or not?
(Via MacRumors)

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