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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Increase Wifi Speed on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Do you want to increase the Wi-Fi speed on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad? Are you facing the slow internet connection problem? This may be when you change one wireless network to the other. This problem usually occurs on the older devices. Well, we have found a tip for you that will help you to get the solution for this problem.
Increase Wifi Speed on iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch

How to Increase Wifi Speed on iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch :

We will basically change DNS address of Wi-Fi on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. By adding custom DNS Server address you can boost up Wi-Fi network on your address. Step by step guide is after the jump.

The very first step is to get the custom DNS server Address. You can get it either by using a simple Utility for Windows and Mac, Name bench (Google it) or you can use the Google or Open DNS server Address written below.
  • Google DNS servers: and
  • OpenDNS servers: and
To add custom DNS Server on your Device:
  1. Go to settings and Click on Wi-Fi
  2. Select the desired network.
  3. Enter the custom DNS server Address in the DNS field.
That’s it! You will now feel much better Wi-Fi speed on your device. Did this tip help you? If you are experiencing any problem, let us know in the comments section below.
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