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Sunday, February 5, 2012

iOSOpenDev App Download Available To Create Jailbreak Tweaks

When you open Cydia store or App Store you ask yourself how those developers made this apps ? And then you tell yourself but what programs they uses it to make these Apps, well developers uses Xcode to create apps foriPhone and push it to the App Store, so today we would like to tell you that iOSOpenDev app is ready to be downloaded....

As promised, iOSOpenDev is now available for download. So if you have a little bit of a background in programming, and you’re looking for a way to get into jailbreak development, you might want to check it out…

With iOSOpenDev you will be able to make Jailbreak tweaks for Cydia all you need to use the application is a Mac computer, running at least Mac OS X 10.6 or later and Xcode 4 or higher. The developer warns that iOSOpenDev is still in beta, but he believes that it’s ready for public use.

Download iOSOpenDev app for developers 

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