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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Best Theme For Siri – Neurotech Siri

With all the awesome themes and modifications available for Siri on the internet it is hard to choose the best one. Today we’re going to share the best Siri theme with our dear readers.
best siri theme
Neurotech Siri is a winterboard theme and is an absolutely amazing looking theme for your beloved Personal Assistant – Siri. It has more than 300 frames of animation on the Siri Logo with a very fluid and smooth feel for your iPhone 4S. It also included a new weather theme for Siri and clock elements. With this cool theme you also get a cool looking battery lock theme. You can check out the images and video posted in this article to check out the how amazing the iPhone looks with this theme.
The only downside that this theme has is that it woks on WinterBoard but with such an awesome and cool look this can be compromised.
It is available for $ 1 on the Cydia store. Obviously your device must be jailbroken in order to install this theme.

By jailbreakhow

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