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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How To Know Where Jailbreak Tweaks Are Installed

We all love to download and install jailbreak tweaks on our iPhone and of course no one can ignore this fact, but have you ever asked yourself what should I do if I wanted to check the current installed jailbreak tweaks on my iPhone ? Well we have got for you a very easy way with it you will be able to know where is your jailbreak tweaks are installed:

Well it's a very easy way to know the place where your jailbreak tweaks are installed, maybe some of you would prefer iFile app where they will dig around to get what they want, but really this way is much easier than iFile...

STEP 1: Open Cydia Store.

STEP 2: Simply head forward to any installed jailbreak tweak on your iPhone.

STEP 3: After you go to any of the installed tweaks on your device, look for something named "Filesystem Content" as shown in the picture below:
STEP 4: Okay, after that press on it and you will find a page that shows a breakdown of everything installed by the app or tweak in question.
This is a great way to troubleshoot and/or customize your favorite jailbreak apps or tweaks. For instance, you can use it with ColoredKnob to find the location of the PNG files used to create the colored lock screen nub. There are various other uses as well, but these are a few of the most common. 
Via Ultrasn0w

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