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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How To Record Skype And VOIP Calls With SkyRecorder For iPhone

How to record Skype calls on iPhone? For those who find themselves using VOIP services such as Skype and Viber for communication rather frequently, the latest offering from the guys over at eFusion can prove to be a blessing.
SkyRecorder for iPhone is the application that lets you record your calls made over the VOIP protocol using services such as Skype and the likes. People especially Professionals who make calls using VOIP all around the world would concur with the need for a way to record and keep track of their information.
Record Skype calls on iPhone
SkyRecorder lets you do just that, as it allows you to record your conversation with one tap of the button and easily stores both sides of the conversation. So if you were to ever feel the need to recall the conversation that you might have had with your business partner, you would no longer have to shift through piles of notes or rack your brains to do so. All you would have to do is to access your recorded conversation straight from your iPhone using the SkyRecorder Application

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