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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to Get Siri Dictation on Windows PC or Mac

How to install Siri Dictation on Windows PC or Mac? Want to control your PC from your iPhone? Touchpad is a perfect solution for that. There are many apps that will convert your iPhone into a Mouse or Keyboard so that you can control your PC/Mac from them. But Touchpad is an amazing app for your iPhone. It will not only convert your iPhone into a mouse or Keyboard but will also let you enter dictation to Mac/PC using Siri.
Install siri dictation on Windows Mac
Yes, all you have to do is to speak and the dictation will be automatically written on your PC. In the new update of touchpad, a small microphone is added. Simply, Click on it and start speaking, it will automatically write on your PC. But before it, please make sure that both of your devices are connected to the same Network. For further details, please watch the video embedded below.
This is a must have app for iPhone 4S. You can grab it from AppStore for just $4.99 (iTunes Link)

via jailbreakhow

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