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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to Enable Custom Vibration Patterns in iOS 5

Apple introduced iOS with more than 200 great features. Out of these 200 amazing features, 10 were the keynote: notifications system called ‘Notification Center’, Newsstand, Twitter integration, Safari Reader, Reading List, tabbed browsing for iPad, Reminders, Camera updates, Mail updates, built-in dictionary, PC-free (no cables required), OTA software updates, updates to Game Center, iMessage, AirPlay mirroring for iPad.The remaining were the hidden features. Here’s another amazing feature, you can now enable custom vibration patterns in iOS5 on iPhone 3Gs. 4 or iPhone 4S.
As we know that assigning a ringtone to a specific contact was a feature of older firmware, but this time we have a great feature to introduce Custom Vibrations on your Phone. Now you can assign a unique vibration pattern to anyone in your contacts. You can also change the default pattern for every contact in the Sounds settings. This new feature includes five custom vibration patterns which are:
1. Alert
2. Heartbeat
3. Rapid
4. S.O.S.
5. Symphony
Now, how you can enable these custom vibrations,
  • Go to settings. App on Homescreen
  • Click on General
  • Tap Accessibility
  • Scroll down to hearing and tap the custom vibrations to ON
  • You can also set your own custom vibrations by following to section:
  • Settings > Sounds > Vibration
  • To set custom vibrations to a contact:
  • Select any contact from Contacts and Click edit.
  • Scroll down to vibration and choose any of the included Standard vibration patterns or you can also create a custom vibration pattern here.
  • Tap on that screen and click on stop, when it’s done.
Via jailbreakhow

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