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Monday, February 6, 2012

QuickPix: Allows You To Record Videos And Take Photos At The Same Time

Are you looking for some nice apps for your iPhone ? Well then you will need to download this app which called QuickPix which allows you to shoot videos and take photos at the same time, really if you are a user who love to take photos and record videos QuickPix is the best app that you must have it on your iPhone:

As you can see in the photo above, I have just downloaded QuickPix on my iPhone then you will find there's two options available in the app homescreen, there's video recording on your left hand and to capture a photo on your right hand.
Really what I love in this app that all what you have to do is pressing on the record video button and began capturing photos while recording by pressing the camera button on your right hand, if you are interested in this app you can get it for $1.99 from the App Store, so enjoy all and happy downloading :)

Via Ultrasn0w

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