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Sunday, February 12, 2012

WhiteD00r 5.1 Custom Jailbroken IPSW for Aging iPhone, iPod Touch Now Available for Download

Developer Matteo Morando has now updated WhiteD00r for old generation iPod touch 1G, 2G, iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G. The new version of the custom firmware marked WhiteD00r 5.1 brings compatibility with iOS 5.x IPSW.

WhiteD00r 5.1 brings numerous iOS 5.x features such as iOS 5.1 wallpapers from iPad, new system sounds, new semi transparent dock, backgrounds, all new icons from iOS 5.x, Voice Control, multitasking, MMS, Tap-to-focus camera, video recording, and more. Full list of features can be found here.  GUI of pre-jailbroken firmware has been replicated to the extent of iOS4 and iOS5, without compromising with the performance speed.

What is WhiteD00r 5.1?

Following iOS 4.x, Apple ended providing updates of its mobile operating system on ARM6 family Apple devices such as iPhone 1G, 2G, iPod touch 2G and 3G. But DIY minded devs over WhiteD00r found a way to cook the firmware iOS 5 and install it on older generation devices without compromising with the speed.
Essentially WhiteD00r offers a ton of upgrades to old iOS devices without the serious slowdowns you’ll experience if you try upgrading to iOS 5.  In short, Whited00r is a replacement firmware for aging iOS devices. And the best part…it is already jailbroken andCydia 1.1.3 comes pre-installed on the iOS device.

How to install WhiteD00r on your iPhone, iPod touch

Step 1: Backup your data first. This process is safe and tested, but taking backup is always good.
Step 2: Choose the right firmware for your device and download it on your desktop
  • iPod Touch WhiteD00r download Link
  1. iPod Touch 1G WD5.1
  2. iPod Touch 2G WD5.1
  • iPhone WhiteD00r download Links
  1. iPhone 2G Normal 5.1
  2. iPhone 2G Unlocker 5.1
  3. iPhone 3G Normal 5.1
  4. iPhone 3G Unlocker 5.1
If iPhone is officially unlocked by your carrier or is factory unlocked, use Normal. Unofficial unlocked iPhones must use Unlocker version of downloads. WhiteD00r Unlocker firmware works perfectly on iPad Baseband 6.15.00. Unlocker firmware needs a Push-Notifications patch after the installation. Since it is pre-cooked and jailbroken firmware, the baseband radios will not updated during WhiteD00r installation, so it’s a safe bet to place here.
Step 3: Extract the compressed WhiteD00r file you downloaded.
Step 4: Open iTunes on the screen about your device. Click on Restore holding ALT (MacOS) or SHIFT (Windows) at the same time and select the whited00r Software Update (.ipsw) from you computer.
Step 5: After installation (could take up to 15 minutes, wait for automatic reboot) iTunes will prompt you if you want to restore from a backup. Choose “Set up a new iPhone/iPod” for clean and stable installation .
Sometime back the WhiteD00r developer team released a comparison video showing iPhone 3GS on stock iOS 5 and old iPhone 3G running WhiteD00r 5. The video clearly shows how fast the WhiteD00r custom firmware is. You decide and sound off your opinion below.

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