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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Download / Watch WWDC 2012 Event Live Right From Your Comfy Couch!

Just like all Apple’s events and meetings where Apple decides to surprise the Jailbreak Community, iWorld and pretty much everyone else who has, in the least, a smartphone or even a mobile device with Apple’s creativeness and its developers’ intelligence expressed in real iDevices and products. So every year comes a couple or more events hosted by Apple, its developers and representatives to show and introduce to the world the fruit of their hard work of the whole year or sometimes, years and the lucky ones are those who are quick enough to get the event’s tickets right before they’re all sold out before weeks of the event’s day!

WWDC 2012
Nevertheless, Apple has made it quite easy for those who wished to take part of its events, like the WWDC event that took place through May 12th to May 16th which included many surprised like the release of the iOS 6, MacBook Pro with the new Retina and Mountain Lion where those who were not able to attend the actual event can just visit Apple’s Developer’s Website and download a number of 113 videos which depicts the whole 4 days of Apple’s WWDC 2012 event second by second.
Furthermore, to make things easier for you to watch the WWDC event’s videos uploaded by Apple at the Developer’s website, you don’t have to have a developer’s account nor you will have to pay a penny and all you should do is click the download button and attend the event right from your comfy couch!
Download and Watch online WWDC 2012 from here.

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