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Thursday, June 21, 2012

TechCrunch: iPhone 5 Confirmed To have 19-pin “Mini” Dock Connector

Great news for everyone who want to know what will the new iPhone or the iPhone 5 will looks like. A couple of weeks ago we heard that Apple is wanting to make a smaller iPhone Dock Connector for it’s new iPhone and at this time it was just a few rumors nothing else.. But today the folks at TechCrunch have got some great news for us that everyone will be so excited about it..
Since then, we’ve seen a number of purported “iPhone 5″ part leaks that feature a noticeably-smaller charging port at the bottom. And now, TechCrunch says it has just confirmed the change…
Here’s TechCrunch report:
“Although the form factor and actual size are still unknown, TechCrunch has independently verified that Apple is working on adding a 19-pin port, replacing the current 30-in port, to the new iPhone. It is a move that will surly send shocks through the iPhone accessory ecosystem.
The new port, partially shown in this Mobilefun post as well as in this video, is similar in size to the Thunderbolt port available on many MacBook devices but I’ve been told by three independent manufacturers that the pin-out will be different.”
TechCrunch is one of the most important and trusted sources about Apple rumors and when they confirm something, everyone must believe them as in the WWDC 2012 they shared some iOS 6 features that really have been announced at the WWDC 2012..
It sounds like Apple is making the change due to size constraints more than anything. According to recent rumors, it’s trying to squeeze a larger screen and LTE compatibility into its upcoming iPhone, on top of making it 20% thinner.
So what do you think ?! Looks great right ?!

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