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Thursday, January 26, 2012

ApplenBerry Confirms Baseband 4.11.08 Unlock is Coming

Earlier this month,we brought you the great news of ApplenBerry company working on unlocking iPhone 4 baseband 4.11.08,the baseband a lot of users have been desperately waiting to get an unlock for.
Today,we have a confirmation that ApplenBerry is indeed working on an unlock for iPhone 4 Baseband 4.11.08,but also on an unlock for iPhone 4S.

We still have no ETA on a release date for the new Gevey SIM that will unlock 4.11.08,but according to some sources,it might be somewhere between mid-to-late February ,but it`s not confirmed yet and as ApplenBerry said before,when the unlock is released,they will announce it on Facebook and Twitter.
And like we said before,if you are looking to unlock your device,don’t upgrade your firmware for Apple might release a new firmware upgrade which could upgrade your baseband.

Also a couple of weeks ago Sherif Hashim the well known baseband hacker said that he is working on unlock baseband 04.11.08 but of course it will take some time until he announce anything about it, so we will keep you updated with any news.. So we will keep you updated with any news from ApplenBerry or from the hacker Sherif Hashim


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