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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sign The Petition to Legalize jailbreaking | Jailbreaking Is Not A Crime

Jailbreaking Is Not A Crime, For many users of iOS devices, android devices and much more, jailbreaking is considered a priority thing to do because it allows them to install different applications and go over many procedures and that is all because of the jailbreaking people who are working hard to satisfy our needs.
As a result to the announcement regarding the expiration of the jailbreaking stated on July 2010, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) tried to offer the help by legalizing the act of the jailbreaking.
To support this cause you can send your comments directly to the copyright’s offices in the United States after filling the application that you will find on EEF website. Besides, there is a new petition initiated by EEF and escorted by Bunnie Huang, the author of hacking the Xbox. Signing this petition means that you are supporting his cause and thus raising the chances of legalizing the work of the jailbreak community.

Jailbreaking Is Not A Crime

Jailbreaking Is Not A CrimeMoreover, you can go online to JailbreakingIsNotAcrime.org and support this cause by signing in and increasing the number of signatures that has reached till now 17500 signatures.
Come on, there are around 11 days left, catch up the time and sign the petition. Lets support the jailbreak developers community before it is too late.
Via jailbreakplus

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