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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Absinthe v0.4 Download Available – Brings Mac 10.5 Support, Fix Windows Crash bug

Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks) has just released Greenpois0n Absinthe 0.4 bringing the support to Mac OS X 10.5 support (PPC+Intel CPU). In addition to this, Absinthe version 0.4 fixes a bug in payload generator that might cause a crash while trying to jailbreak iPhone 4S or iPad 2 on Windows PC on iOS 5.0/5.0.1. Linux version of Absinthe has also been bumped to version 0.4 to keep the version same across all three OS platforms. The complete changelog can be found here.

Greenpois0n Absinthe 0.4

If have already jailbroken iPhone 4S or iPad 2 successfully with absinthe 0.3 on Mac and Windows, there is no need to re-jailbreak your device. You must, however, install Corona 1.0-8 patch via Cydia to fix the iBooks bug where it fails to load complete text and images of DRM protected iBooks.
Initially, Chronic Dev team released Absinthe for Mac (OSX >= 10.6), and many users who were not having Windows PC or those running Mac computer on older OSX 10.5. x, PPC and Intel CPU, did not had a chance to jailbreak their A5 device. Everytime they try they used to get same error – ‘The application Absinthe quit unexpectedly’. Since Absinthe v0.4 is out now, users can download Absinthe 0.4 to jailbreak their iPhone 4S or iPad 2.
Perhaps, couple of Windows users was facing serious crashing issues in version 0.3while trying to jailbreak 5.0/iOS 5.0.1. The latest Absinthe 0.4 fixes a critical bug in payload generator that might be causing a crash.

Download Absinthe 0.4 for Windows, Mac, Linux

After you download Absinthe 0.4, you may follow our step-by-step guides on how to jailbreak iPhone 4S or second generation iPad on Windows or Mac.

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