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Thursday, February 2, 2012

iPhone 5 release date on June 2012

As we all heard, there is a new generation of iPhone 5 going to be released soon and as revealed by commercial times: in reference to what Daiwa securities presented, the new iPhone 5 release date will be fixed in an event held in  Apple’s worldwide developers’ conference (WWDC) on June 2012.

Moreover, Daiwa Securities states that the new generation of iPhone5 will operate using “glass to glass” (G/G) touch panel technology which will be out of benefit to the suppliers of TPK Holding and Wintek.

iPhone 5 Release Date

iPhone 5 Release dateAccording to the table above, the corporate meeting will be held on 11th to 15th June 2012, which means that a whole week has been booked for this event on WWDC.
So, what do you think about the iPhone 5 release date? Is it a suitable date for us to follow the event? Will it be on a weekend where we are free to keep up track of the new generation that is going to be released?

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