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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Top Cydia Apps / Tweaks for 2012

Top Cydia Apps for 2012. Apple managed to maintain its dominance over the smartphone market. In October they released the iPhone 4S which became a big hit mostly because of Siri. It was an important year for the jailbreaking scene too. During the holiday scene came the much awaited untethered jailbreak. Cydia, a software application for iOS that enables the users to find and install software packages including apps, customization and tweaks gained more popularity than ever during the year 2011. In many ways the most innovative and daring development work is happening on Cydia. Developers from all over the world, with their talents are developing amazing apps and tweaks for the jailbroken iDevices.
Top Cydia Tweaks 2012
With all the progress being made in the year 2011 by Cydia and the jailbreaking scene. Here are the top jailbroken apps and tweaks for all the people who want to get the best out of their iDevices.

Top Cydia Apps / Tweaks for 2012 – for iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G[Video] :

Give your iDevice wings with these apps and have fun customizing your device according to your own needs and desires. Go now and download the best Cydia apps for 2012.

Top Cydia Apps / Tweaks for 2012 – for iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G [Daily updates] :

Top Cydia Apps / Tweaks for 2012 (daily updates). In the below section we will cover all new released top Cydia apps daily. You can put this page on you bookmarks to check it from time to time.

Update (Feb 5th): Vexillum, allows you to change color and font of Notification Banners – more details, Click Here.
Update (Feb 5th): IconBounce, allows you to make dock icons Randomly bounce and Rotate [video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 5th): Zephyr, allows you to add amazing iPad-Like Multitasking Gestures to iPhone or iPod Touch [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 6th): SiriPort, allows you to Install Siri on iPhone 4 / iPod Touch 4G [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 6th): MyAssistant, improves Siri power [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 6th): Springtomize 2, allows you to customize your iDevice like never before [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 7th): MusicBanners, allows you to display banner on lock Screen Notifications for track changes – Click Here
Update (Feb 8th): Simplexity Appswitcher, improves Multitasking on your iPhone [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 8th): Contact Privacy, prevents rogue apps from uploading your personal contacts – Click Here
Update (Feb 10th): WeeTrackData, allows you to display internet data usage in Notifications Center [Video] – Click Here
Update (Feb 10th): Respring iOS5, is the fastest respring app for iDevice – Click Here
Update (Feb 11th): Sara, best Siri alternative for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad – Click Here

Via Jailbreakhow

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