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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rumor: New iPhone will be unveiled on August 7th

Every instance of the iPhone is greeted with a lot of anticipation and that breads a lot of speculation as well. And why shouldn’t it? After all, every new iPhone launched has a lot to talk about. Last year Apple launched the 4S around October along with iOS 5, and so using common sense and the expertise of the tech geeks we can assume a similar schedule to follow. However, the latest news has something different to offer, and it claims that Apple is all set to announce its next-generation iPhone on the 7th of August.
new iphone 5 august 7
KnowYourMobile has reported that a reliable industry source told them that the iPhone 5 would be launched through a keynote speech on August 7th.
Although this information has tingled our senses, but we just can’t seem to believe in this rumor. Why not? You may be thinking, well its simple, its just way too early for Apple to launch the next installment of their iPhone, and most carriers have two year contracts with their customers to whom they offer the iPhone at a subsidized rate. In addition to that they offer the option to upgrade after a period of 12 months, and these early adopters account for a large portion of Apple’s sales. Saying this, why would Apple launch its new iPhone 2 months earlier and loose all that revenue?
If you don’t want to believe that, maybe you will believe this; The Loop‘s Jim Dalrymple, famous for being tight with the Cupertino Company, has given his verdict on the subject. In response to what KnowYourMobile claims, all that Jim said was “Nope” and that’s exactly what we are saying as well, No way the new iPhone is coming this early, so all you iPhone fans out there, you will have to wait till October at the most to get a glimpse of the new iPhone.
Though these rumors may turn out to be false, there are some confirmed rumors about the iPhone 5, for one, it’s going to have a larger display, a NFC chip, improved processor setup, and a two toned aluminum back panel. Feel free to share your valuable thoughts in the comments section below!

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