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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Notcom Reminds Us To Save Our iOS 5.0.1 Blobs Using TinyUmbrella

It's a very good thing to have a jailbroken device, yeah I know this feeling because I already tried it, but don't let the fun throw you away and let you forget that you must save your iOS 5.0.1 blobs by using TinyUmbrella that's of course if you were looking for a future Tethered/Untethered jailbreak..

So today @NotCom the well known developer and the guy behind TinyUmbrella is reminding us to save our iOS 5.0.1 SHSH blobs by using TinyUmbrella..

TinyUmbrella developer, notcom, just posted this brief message on his blog:
“With the quiet time between jailbreak and iOS version, make sure you get your SHSHs saved. I’ve been working on the TinyUmbrella rewrite (albeit sparingly due to real life demands). It’s important to make sure you have your 5.0.1 SHSHs tucked away safe. There is no guarantee that we’ll have things this good again.”
So again we advice you all to quickly save their iOS 5.0.1 blobs before Apple release any new firmwares to block Corona exploit although Cydia can store your SHSH blobs, we recommend using a utility like iFaith orTinyUmbrella as well.

Via Ultrasnow

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