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http://jailbreakroot.comWednesday, February 8, 2012
Tweetbot Get's Updated To Version 2.0 Bringing New Features
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If you are a Twitter user then you surly heard about Tweetbot one of the best Twitter apps for iPhone/iPod and iPad so that today we would like to tell you that Tweetbot the well known app has just updated bringing some new features in the app interface and adding some touches on it:
In my opinion I always used to use Tweetbot for Twitter because it always helped me in my working and easy talking with my friends on it, so today Tweetbot get's updated to version 2.0 and here's the full release note:
- Updated timeline view
- Image thumbnails in timeline
- Links now colored and single-tappable
- “Retweeted by” bar now integrated and tappable
- Cell colors adjusted for better contrast
- New direct message view.
- Redesigned “New Tweets” bar (Can be dismissed by tap and configured in Settings > Display)
- Timed auto-refresh (timeline, mentions, and DM’s will refresh every 5 minutes)
- Readability added as mobilizer service
- Much improved tweet replies view
- Links in user’s bio now tappable
- “Huge” font size option in Settings > Display
- Improved scrolling performance
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This post was written by: Rinkul Jena
Rinkul Jena is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
Tweetbot Get's Updated To Version 2.0 Bringing New Features
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