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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Android Lock for iPhone And iPod touch

Need jailbroken iPhone !! Guide Here iPhone 4S & Here iPhone 4/3gs.

An application for iPhone users has been created that emulates the graphical dot to dot style lock on Android based phones. The normal way to access a locked iPhone is by using a 4 digit pin code. The Android lock system uses a series of nine dots in a 3 x 3 square that you need to replicate a pre-set pattern to unlock the phone. This functionality can now be loaded on to iPhones that have been jailbroken.

For details on how the application works and what it does and how to install it check out the video after the jump. 

1. Open cydia
2. Add the source cydia.xsellize.com
3. Open source
4. Download Androidlock or Androidlock (No Text)
5. Respring
6. Set your pattern and change appearance and behavior if desired
7. If this helped Gimmie a THUMB UP and SUBSCRIBE! It only takes TWO clicks!

******IMPORTANT NOTE!******** If you forgot your code or it wont let you in then have someone call you and press the home button during the call. (if you're stuck on an ipod touch as of now there isn't a work around :-( sorry!).
But You Can Use Open SSH to unlock your iphone dont worry.

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